Members Forum – 22 Oct 2024
We held our first Metro North-East Region members forum this week. President Gerard Parlevliet outlined how far we’ve come in just 3 short months. Chair of Match, Billie Maas, talked about the upcoming Open Gender Pennants season and Steven Maas did a brief run through of the new website and an introduction to Bowlslink basics.
Immediately before the forum, we held our last Zone 9 meeting to tie up a few loose ends, but also to present our last Zone 9 Bowler, and Senior Bowler, of the 2023-24 year awards.
Thoroughly deserved by both recipients, congratulations to Matt Blackburn and Terry Warder on their achievements. Matt received the Zone 9 Bowler of the year award and Terry received the Senior Bowler of the year. The awards were presented by Mark Alexander , Chair of the new Selectors Committee.
It was a great start to our new era.