2024-25 Metro North-East State Men's Pairs Champions.

2024-25 Region Pairs Championships

We commenced our Region Pairs Championships over the weekend of 27 – 28 July.

The start of Round 1 was delayed due to early rain however we managed to get through 3 complete rounds over the weekend.

The State Women’s Pairs was completed in very challenging conditions (for both spectators and players as well). The match finished under lights on extremely cold and very windy afternoon, and we congratulate our new regional champions, Dale Nuttall and Suzi Fischer (Belrose), who won 30-12 over Susan Hollier and Jane Gibson (Harbord).

The State Men’s, Senior Men’s and Open Reserve Pairs Championship finals were held on Sat 10 August at Club Belrose in perfect conditions.

In the Senior Men’s Pairs final, congratulations go to Terry Warder and Mark Alexander (Harbord) who defeated Peter Taylor and Mark Davern (Asquith) 28 – 16.

In the State Men’s Pairs final, congratulations go to Steve Kerr and Steve Rawlings (Belrose) who defeated John Campton and Matt Blackburn (Belrose) 21 – 18.

In the Open Reserve Pairs final, congratulations go to Mark Lawrence and Sean Semler (Mosman) who defeated Chris Ward and Francis Buttle (Newport) 21 – 16.

The Senior Women’s Pairs were played on Tue-Wed 30-31st July at Dee Why. Congratulations to Chris Gordon and Virginia Longfellow (Harbord), our Senior Women’s Pairs champions, winning 17-14 over the Seaforth team of Jacqui Morgan and Jenny Roberts.

Good luck to all the winners for the State Play-Offs in Ballina in March 2025.

For all the competition details and results, follow the links below….

Competition details
State Men’s Pairs
State Women’s Pairs
Senior Men’s Pairs
Senior Women’s Pairs
Open Reserve Pairs

2024-25 Metro North-East State Women’s Pairs Champions.
2024-25 Metro North-East Senior Women’s Pairs Champions.
2024-25 Metro North-East Senior Women’s Pairs Champions & Runners-up
2024-25 Metro North-East Senior Men’s Pairs Champions.
2024-25 Metro North-East Senior Men’s pairs Runners-up.
2024-25 Metro North-East Open Reserve Pairs Champions.
2024-25 Metro North-East Open Reserve Pairs Runners-up.